Thursday, 21 January 2016

Which password being most widely used all over world

<marquee>Which password being most widely used all over world</marquee>Crackmasti: In this topic we will be discussing about the importance of having special password and how can we protect our data and information from hackers by using strong passwords.
People are still using their passwords as ‘123456 and ‘password’ respectively, even after many cyber attacks. As we know that passwords are the first priority of defense against hackers. But the hackers are getting more tricky with the each passing day.
It suggests that Internet users don’t have such strong memory to remember Alpha numeric passwords or they are not concerned about their security. The year 2015 has witnessed many cyber attacks which include data breaches and hacking. Despite of many cyber attacks, internet users are still using their passwords as 123456 and ‘password’ in North America and Western Europe, according to SplashData’s yearly “Worst Password” ranking. Splash Data’s research also revealed that many people are still using dumb passwords like 123456, ‘password’, football, cricket etc.
SplashData, the company which develops password management software and its report is compiled from millions of passwords leaked throughout the year. The report also disclosed that people use sports and movie names as their passwords because they are easy to remember.
The SplashData’s chief said in a statement that they have witnessed many people are putting their efforts to be more secure by adding special characters with their passwords. But some passwords that are very simple can put you at risk. The risk is similar to having your identity stolen by hackers.
The record of passwords based on their popularity and rankings in 2014
RankPasswordChange from 2014
3.12345678Up 1
4.qwertyUp 1
5.12345Down 2
7.footballUp 3
8.1234Down 1
9.1234567Up 2
10.baseballDown 2

Movies play a vital role for some Internet users in deciding their passwords. The report further reveals that newly released movies like “Star Wars and “The Force Awakens” has led many users to set their password as “princess”, “star wars” “solo” etc.
Why you should change your password if you are using simple password ?
As discussed above about the cyber attacks and the passwords set by many users that they can easily remember, but actually they are giving hackers a chance to hack their passwords. Cyber crimes are increasing day by day and many users are failing to realize the importance having strong Passwords. In order to set a good password, it should include at least 12 characters with a combination of upper and lower case letters, special characters, numbers.
In some cases you need to set short password because of limit, in that case you can set a strong alphanumeric password like A-@34ft or any other according to your desire. Don’t keep your password simple, even if it has 12 characters, but keep in mind to use special characters and numbers and lower, upper case letters in order to surf internet efficiently and safely.
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How To Double The Download Speed Of IDM


Increase Speed Of IDM
Increase Speed Of IDM
InShortViral: Today we are going to share an interesting trick on boosting your Download speed with IDM, You need an IDM optimize tool to perform this action and double your download speed.
How To Increase Download Speed of IDM using IDM Optimize, Internet Download Manager as we stated is the best download manager right now available as examined to any other download manager like DAP, Microsoft Lightweight Download Manager, Orbit and many others. Well, we presently arranged our hands on IDM Optimizer, it’s a miniature utility which boosts your IDM speed by modifying some registry entries, it will develop Connection Speed, Connection type, Max Connection Numbers and some other few entries.
IDM Optimizer Tool has a simple Maximize Now button which when clicked will pop up a note to restart IDM so that it can take effect. Well, you will also have a Restore Default button that will restore all the settings which IDM came with. you can use that if you think that you are not getting good speeds. How To Increase Download Speed of IDM.

How To Double The Download Speed Of IDM In 2016

Steps to Use IDM Optimizer Tool and Increase Downloading Speed

Step 1. [Download] IDM Optimizer Tool Here.
Step 2. Now make sure IDM is installed on your PC, as this tool will only optimize IDM if it’s physically present on your system.
Step 3. Now just fire up your IDM Optimizer and then you will see a window as shown below, click on Maximize Now and you will get a note asking you to restart your IDM do that and once restart your PC.
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Step 4. That’s it! now your IDM is boosted with speed, try to download any file and check out if speeds are good or not. If you want to restore your default settings then you can click on Restore Default.
That’s it, guys! now you have boosted your IDM with Speed, optimized it for faster downloads have fun :) and do share this post with all friends.


1. You can maximize the speed limit of IDM all you have to do is open IDM and go to download menu and then select the option of “Speed Limiter” Now on Speed Limiter You have to make sure that you had “turned off” the speed limiter
2. You can also set your maximum connection number in IDM connection configuration menu all you have to do is, Go to downloads select “Option” from there and browse to Connection tab and you just need to set your default max. conn. the number to 16 default was 8 but you have to drop down and select 16 from the list and save it
Above is the best way to increase downloading speed of your IDM using IDM Optimizer in 2016, If you face  any problem feel free to discuss in comments.
Stay tunedfor more informations..